
Arborist Audits must be conducted by a suitably qualified Certificate V reporting Arborist.

Audits are the process of assessing trees on a particular site to determine the health status, structure, integrity and safety of the tree. These audits are particularly important to discover early signs of decay, damage, pests and infections.

We investigate any areas of concern and document all findings into a risk assessment, that allows us to provide recommendations to mitigate any tree defects and health concerns.


After an audit has been conducted, our Arborists write comprehensive reports to provide to our clients. The reports include detailed information on the health, structural integrity, and safety of the trees, as well as recommendations on tree care and management.

Our reports are designed to provide our clients with the information they need to make informed decisions about their trees and help them maintain healthy and safe tree populations on their property.

Examples & Standards for Arborist & Audit Reports

Arborist audits and reports are conducted by Arbscape's Certificate V qualified reporting Arborist. There are several reasons you may need an Arborist audit or report; many councils require you to have an Arborist audit and report complete on a tree you request to be removed, or many individuals request the audits so they know the condition of their trees for safety reasons.

Arbscape’s Qualifications

Arbscape have a suitably qualified Certificate V Arborist and a team of trade qualified Arborists to complete your audits and reports, ensuring you receive accurate information on the health and condition of your tree, which can be used for official reporting and council requirements.

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